專業水面救援裝備: 230型遠距離氣動拋繩器系統
專業水下通訊裝備: OTS 無線水下通訊系統(美國)
OTS Underwater Communications System forDiver To Surface and Diver To
Diver. A complete System will comprise of thefollowings meant for 08 divers each
with different channel/frequency:
一、 系統組成
序號(hao) |
Description 部件 |
Qty 數量(liang) |
1 |
900272-012 SSB-1001B-1, Military Diver Transceiver. 8 channels, 10 watts (no EMA-2, battery or charger). 900272-012 SSB-1001B-1 8通道水下通話器 |
8 |
2 |
900284-000 RB-11, NiMH Battery Pack (12 Volts) used with SSB1001B. 900284-000 RB-11, 鎳氫電池包(bao) |
16 |
3 |
910231-000 RC-15i, Int’l Battery Charger designed to charge the RB-11 battery pack (230V, 50/60Hz). 910231-000 RC-15i, 國際通用充電器 |
8 |
4 |
900281-001 STX-101M, Military Surface Station. 8 channel, 10 watts includes int’l charger, waterproof handset w/mic and transducer. 900281-001 STX-101M水面無線通(tong)訊接收基站(8通道) |
1 |
5 |
900298-009 THB-101, Headset, deluxe with boom mic. Set-up for STX-101 Surface Transceiver Unit. 900298-009 THB-101 頭戴(dai)式耳機 |
1 |
6 |
EM-OTS2, Ear/Mic. Assy.,set up for Guardian FFM. Dual ear. w/holder, PTT control, HiUse. |
8 |
7 |
GRD-BB-1 Guardian FFM with Second Stage Regulator, Ambient Air Valve, Supply Hose and Carry Bag. |
8 |
二、 系統主要組成部分介紹
STX-101M 接(jie)(jie)收器(qi)是一(yi)款10瓦,8通道,專為軍事潛水(shui)(shui)員設計(ji)的可用(yong)于接(jie)(jie)收水(shui)(shui)下信(xin)號的接(jie)(jie)收基站(zhan)。
TheSTX-101M transceiver is a10-watt, 8-channel through-water surface station designed to meet the demandingprofile of the military diver. It operates with virtually all OTS Aquacom? andBuddy Phone? transceivers.
頻道(dao)/頻率 |
Ch 1: 32.768 kHz USB Ch 5: 28.500 kHz USB |
Ch 2: 32.768 kHz LSB Ch 6: 28.500 kHz LSB |
Ch 3: 31.250 kHz USBCh 7: 25.000 kHz USB |
Ch 4: 31.250 kHz LSB Ch 8: 25.000 kHz LSB |
輸(shu)出功(gong)率(瓦特(te)) |
10W |
標稱距離 |
200-1000M |
傳感(gan)器(qi) |
壓(ya)電(dian)式(shi) |
發(fa)射(she)控制 |
手動 |
耳機(ji)/對講(jiang)機 |
手持式耳機;THB-101麥克(ke)風(feng)耳機(選配) |
錄音輸(shu)出 |
有(you) |
電池 |
2塊6V堿性電池或者選配2塊RB-6V電池 |
電池壽命(ming) |
10H |
最(zui)低電量提(ti)示 |
警(jing)報聲音提醒 |
外置(zhi)電(dian)源 |
12V 直(zhi)流(liu)電9A 前(qian)置板連接器 |
最大深(shen)度 |
不(bu)適用 |
外(wai)殼 |
高強ABS |
尺寸(cun)(H*W*D) |
6.5”*14”*10.6” |
重量 |
12磅(含電池) |
2、SSB-1001B1 8通道水下通話器
TheSSB-1001B1 接收器是(shi)一個(ge) 10瓦 高壓(ya),8通道單(dan)邊帶(dai)水下通訊工具,可與全面罩(zhao)或者(zhe)口罩(zhao)使用。
TheSSB-1001B1 transceiver is a high power10-watt, 8-channel single sideband underwater communications unit configurableto operate with virtually any style full-face mask (FFM) or mouth mask. Withthe addition of a CDK-6 Surface Accessory Kit, it is easily converted into aportable surface station.